Our short story anthology volumes feature stories by different authors, both new and established. Each volume has a single theme running through all the stories and will be available in print and ebook formats.

This short story anthology is targeted for a general audience. The theme for this publication is Irregulars. How you choose to interpret this is your decision. You may write what you wish. All tropes are welcome.
+ Word-count limit is 8,000 words max. (Min: 1,000 words.)
+ Submissions open until February 28th, 2025
If you are interested in submitting to this anthology, please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page before doing so.

Celestials is a young adult fantasy anthology.The theme for this publication is Celestial, in relation to Divine Beings and Cosmic Bodies/Entities.
A few helpful prompts: bargains; betrayal and/or fallen deities (villain origin stories); healing; redemption; divine intervention; a divine call; revelations.
You may write what you wish. All tropes are welcome.
Word-count limit is 10,000 words max. (Min: 2,000 words.)
+ No erotica, and scenes depicting intimacy should be discreet (or off the page, as this is for young adults)
+ Submissions open
+ Release date: TBC
If you are interested in submitting to this anthology, please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page before doing so.

By submitting your piece to Chartus.X to be considered for any of our anthologies, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. If your submission is accepted, Chartus.X LTD (doing business under any of its imprints) reserves the right to publish your work in our volumes and use it for all promotional purposes for the full term of copyright.
2. The copyright remains with the creator and the creator grants Chartus.X LTD (doing business under any of its imprints) non-exclusive access to produce, reproduce, exploit, publish, communicate, distribute, sell and otherwise make available by any business model including, but not limited to, rental, lending, subscription, pre-loading on memory cards or other hardware (and any reference to copies sold shall be construed accordingly)
3. Chartus.X LTD requests to be credited as first publisher given that any work submitted is to be republished later in a different publication
4. The submitter is 18yrs old or over
5. The submitter is the sole creator of the content submitted and the content is in no way infringed, plagiarised, stolen, and is in no way whatever a violation or infringement of any existing copyright or licence, or duty of confidentiality, or duty to respect privacy, or any other right of any person or party whatsoever (including any right arising under any relevant law or regulation relating to data protection), that it contains nothing libellous or defamatory, that it contains no obscene material nor is in breach of the Official Secrets Acts nor any relevant law or regulation relating to data protection nor is in any other way unlawful, that all statements contained therein purporting to be facts are true and that any recipe, formula or instruction contained therein will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness or damage to the user.